FF7 Remake Part 3 could drop sooner than expected

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 could arrive sooner than expected, according to interviews in the FF7 Rebirth Ultimania.

The FF7 Rebirth Ultimania is an extensive encyclopaedia that includes game walkthroughs, hindsight and commentary from the development team, and interviews about the game.

Based on interviews in the Ultimania translated by content creator Audrey, fans could expect Part 3 of the Remake to drop as soon as 2027.

This is according to the game’s creative producer, Tetsuya Nomura, who noted that the main story for the third part is already completed, and Square Enix could be moving to recording soon.

Additionally, while the wait for the release of Part 2 for the Remake was around four years, this was due to the team having to dedicate resources to producing the PS5-exclusive InterMission DLC and that Part 2’s actual development period was only three years.

Producer Yoshinori Kitsae confirmed this, noting that the actual development cycle for Rebirth was three years and that they are aiming for the same period for Part 3.

He also indicated that they hope to deliver an amazing product without having to sacrifice quality over time and that the reason Rebirth was of such great quality was thanks to retaining the same staff as the previous instalment.

Part 3 will also use this same team of developersto improve Kitsae’s chances of achieving this goal.

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FF7 Remake Part 3 could drop sooner than expected

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