Starfield update coming 15 May introduces better maps and more ship customisation

Starfield’s largest update since launch has been revealed and will include a number of new features and improvements when it drops on 15 May.

These features and updates are specifically intended to address player feedback and, as such, include many quality-of-life improvements.

Below are the key new features the patch is introducing:

Updated surface maps

One of the biggest points of player issue with Starfield was how difficult it was to effectively navigate using the in-game surface map for planets.

The update will therefore replace surface dots with terrain markings to make it easier to see where you are and what’s around you.

Additionally, new markers have been added to major cities to show the locations of vendors – these new markers can also be fast travelled to for further ease of navigation.

Gameplay options

The update will also include a host of new gameplay options, such as the ability to increase vendor credits and carry capacity.

You’ll also be able to access your ship cargo from anywhere through your inventory screen and can access survival features for things like food and environmental hazards.

For combat, the update will allow you to tailor the difficulty of the game to your preferences and will also introduce a new Extreme option.

Ship customisation

For your ship, the update will allow players to decorate the interior of your vessel – letting you edit it much like you would a hab module in an outpost.

This will also let you play around with the internal layout of your ship, providing more options for openings available for doorways.

New Game Plus trait respeccing

In addition to the New Game Plus option, the update will provide the option to change both your appearance and Traits.

This will let you start each new cycle with a potentially fresh build and look for further variety.

Quality of life

Along with the new features, the update introduces a range of quality of life improvements.

This will let players toggle the dialogue camera off, provide new tabs in the container and barter menus, and overall make it easier to see what you’re doing when navigating menus.

Future content

The update also indicated that Bethesda is working on a land vehicle for speedier planetary exploration, official mod support, and the massive Shattered Space expansion.

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Starfield update coming 15 May introduces better maps and more ship customisation

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